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What is the Benefits of Sexual Health?

What is the Definition of Sexual Health?

Today we will Discuss benefits of sexual health. Sexual health is a vast and diverse area. It is nearly impossible to come up with a concise and precise definition of sexual health, since every culture in the world defines and sees it differently than the next, and every nation has different standards and parameters of sexual health. Some may believe safe and clean sex is the key element of sexual health, whereas some may think that emotional or mental well-being also comes under sexual health. Humans’ sexuality is a complex and, it goes without saying, secretive thing. For the betterment of a person’s sexual health, it is important to incorporate various aspects in it, before closing it up in a small definition.

Rather than defining sexual health, we must see what is included in sexual health. The first and foremost thing is a healthy mind set. A mind firmly believes that sexuality is a natural occurrence, a part of human nature, and must embrace it without any shame or guilt. This mind set also includes being open and accepting about other peoples’ sexual ideas and habits. Understanding that a particular sexual behavior that is acceptable to you, may not be acceptable to the other, and vice versa, is actually a very crucial part of sexual well-being. Consequently, one must fully accept and respect the sexual rights of all humans equally.

Another very basic part of sexual health is safe sex. Keeping yourself and others free from sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancies, is a very huge part of sexual health. Under this umbrella falls the access to proper contraceptive and preventive measures such as condoms, pills, spermicides, as well as regular check-up for STDs. Without having access to these facilities, or experiencing guilt, shame, discomfort when wanting access to such things, is a big sign that there is something lacking in your sexual health and education, and such behavior will only bring harm to you and others.

The next major thing that defines sexuality and sexual health is the ability to find sexual pleasure, satisfaction and peace when engaging in sexual activities. This is also includes complete and total trust on your partner, and open communication with the other person about what makes you comfortable and what makes you uncomfortable. Telling yourself that setting certain boundaries does not make you a prude or liking certain things does not make you a freak, and also having the same criteria for your partner as well as other people is a big part of sexual health.

So in fewer words, it can be said that sexual health is a state of a person’s mental, physical and emotional health where one can engage in sexual activities without any guilt or shame,  and partake activities that are only sexually, physically and emotionally safe for you and your partner, moreover, there should be no coercion, physical or emotional, no differences and certainly no violence at all. One must take care of others sexual health, including ones own.

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